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Original titleEvolution of the industrial workforce in the newly-opened factories in the International Settlement (1936-1938 and 1938-1939)
Document ID884
TransliterationEvolution of the industrial workforce in the newly-opened factories in the International Settlement (1936-1938 and 1938-1939)
CollectionVirtual Shanghai
Digitized fileYes
Map typeeAtlas
Author(s)Isabelle Durand
Cartographer(s)Isabelle Durand
Map supportDigital
Source Format & ResolutionPNG 300dpi
CommentsThese maps show the impact of war on factories in the International Settlement. They document where and with what workforce factories opened after the conflict of August-November 1937. They are based on the July 1936, July 1938, and July 1939 surveys by the Shanghai Municipal Police. The 1937 survey is currently missing. These maps belong to a series that document the changing geography of industry in Shanghai between 1936 and 1940. It is also related to a more general study of industries in the International Settlement from 1930 onward.

This map was produced as part of the "Cities in turmoil" project generously supported by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (2010-2012).

Keywordsindustry ; economy ; war ; factory ; workshop ; 1937 ; conflict ; hostilities ; Japan ; military ; turmoil
Place of publicationLyon

1938-1939 - All copyrights are held by the Virtual Shanghai Project

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1936-1938 - All copyrights are held by the Virtual Shanghai Project

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