Live Maps

"Live Maps" is the GIS platform where we offer access to georectified maps, but also where we combine various elements of data to produce maps "on the fly". Apart from producing maps based on pre-selected data, "Live Maps" will includes many other features. The first one is a timeline. All the items existing in a given period are displayed on the timeline. This will let the user know will show what data is available for display on the maps (e.g. "schools" in 1910-1925). Each physical element like buildings, parks, etc. -- whenever this is known -- is determined by a "date of construction" and "date of destruction" (or change of function). A second feature is the link between these physical elements and the photographic database. All such identified elements in the photographic database will appear with all their associated pictures and actual location on any georectified map in Virtual Shanghai. Finally, we have created a database of all street names through history. The database will allow searching any street name and find its various names in Chinese, pinyin, English or French in the various periods of Shanghai history. Names will also point to the actual location on a map.

This platform is under development. It is meant to offer new features as it develops. Tentatively, these features can be defined as follows:

  • a sample of around 50 georectified maps of Shanghai
  • three complete sets of digitized and georectified atlases for 1939, 1946 and 1987
  • a complete set of "base maps" representing the territorial divisions (districts, police or census districts, etc.) ever drawn on Shanghai between 1849 and today.
  • About 1,800 buildings from the republican period, based on a comlete survey of the 1939 Shanghai Commercial Atlas (上海市行號路圖祿)
  • all the images from the image database, with the location of the object therein whenever available or relevant.

To get access to the Virtual Shanghai GIS platform, just click on the link below: Virtual Shanghai GIS Web Server

Shanghai Historical Maps

Shanghai XXIth Maps


Last update on Thursday 29 November 2018 (11:21) by  G. Foliot

© 2003-2021 IrAsia - Projet Director: Pr. Christian Henriot
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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